Thursday, November 03, 2005


TV Licensing and its use of money

I don't mind paying my TV License - for the money, it's excellent value (Strictly Come Dancing is worth the whole fee itself). But what I do object to is the amount of money that TV Licensing (the company) spends on advertising. It spends thousands on adverts on ITV, poster campaigns, letter campaigns, and even radio adverts.

I think it shouldn't bother. It should just spend the money on getting on and prosecuting people without a licence, as it keeps promising to do in its adverts. We don't need to be contantly reminded.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Housing shortages

Problem one: There is a shortage of affordable housing in the South East of England.

Problem two: people do not like living near airports due to noise; as a result, flights are banned overnight.

Problem three: There is a limit on the number of planes that can take off and land, and airports may have to be expanded.

Isn't it rather obvious? The government should subsidise people who currently can't afford a house so they can buy up the houses near the airports. Then once all the houses in the area have been bought in this way, the planes can take off all night and the people living near them will be happy to have a much nicer house than they could otherwise afford.

Of course, there are disadvantages to this plan. People who have lived in an area for their whole life will be reluctant to move. Communities will be changed, the areas affected will be home to low-income families exclusively, meaning that shops in the area will close down. After a few years, the area will need to be regenerated, but that won't happen because there's no money in the area.

But that won't stop the politicians.

The purpose of this

Everyone has good ideas at some time or other. Many of these good ideas are lost forever.

I don't want to lose mine.

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